Sunday, July 16, 2023

Politics Corner July 16th


photo mine

Probably heading back to London today. The whole reason for the trip is that my partner's niece works there now and she doesn't get away much. Her mom (my sister-in-law), dad and brother are coming up from Monterrey, Mexico. My partner doesn't get to see his family much. I'm told that there isn't much to see in London which is just as well. This is a family intensive trip. I was offered the opportunity of a side trip to Toronto and I wasn't remotely tempted. Toronto in the rain? I've been to New York and I've seen "New York" on TV. I'd rather just go to Toronto and hang out for a while.

My partner is really excited because (as of the day I'm writing this last week) we just sealed the deal for a trip to Vienna, Austria in November to see his other sister and her family. That leaves his two brothers and a whole lot of nieces and nephews and their kids too. But hey we got half!

Vienna is going to be directly from a south Asian cruise. We're going west to Taipei, over to Singapore, up to Cambodia, then west again to Vienna and then west again to the US. Maybe someone more geographically literate than I can tell me if this counts as around the world. I don't think so even though the overall trend is always west. Every long stretch in the air involves going north and back south. To get to Taipei we'll probably follow the Pacific rim. To get to Hong Kong we flew over the north pole and back from Seoul we followed the rim.

via Pinterest

Political discussion welcome.

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