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The Human Rights Campaign has issued a nationwide state of emergency for LGBQetc. people. This is something new and not limited to only a few states. People are already having difficulty relocating from places like Florida because they don't feel safe or they want to raise their children in a place they are welcome. HRC has issued a detailed survival guide. And remember, the more anti-queer laws there are, the less safe it is to walk down the streets. [CNN] [Human Rights Campaign]
The Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board was warned that if it would be against the Oklahoma constitution if it approved a publicly funded religious school but they did it anyway. [Associated Press]
Bexar County Texas has filed charge over Florida shipping migrants from San Antonio to Martha's Vineyard. California is looking into similar charges concerning a flight from El Paso to Sacramento. Kidnapping and trafficking are on the table. [Texas Tribune]
DeSantis gets slapped down again. [Associated Press]
“Gender identity is real. The record makes this clear,” Hinkle said, adding that even a witness for the state agreed.
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