Thursday, May 18, 2023

Politics Corner May 18th


photo mine

Republicans are getting pushback on book banning and other censorship - from Republican mothers and Publishing Houses that can afford lawyers. If this works in Florida (and it should) it will sweep the nation. [NBC]

via Deep Forest Publications

Texas is being Texas and South Carolina is being South Carolina and today is a day that ends in "y". [NPR] [Associated Press]

via NPR

Schrödinger's budget ceiling. [CNBC]

via Dribble

The appellate court hearing the mifepristone case is more concerned about whether the defendants were "mean" to Judge Kascmaryk who took it upon himself to effectively ban abortion for the whole country from a district federal court than the facts in the case. The plaintiffs are arguing that mifepristone is unsafe despite the fact that it has been used safely for decades both here and in more than 90 countries. [Rolling Stone]

via Broadway Box

Political discussion welcome

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