Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Politics Corner April 11th


photo mine

I'm so bored of TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP but we can't let Gym Jordan, who never saw a crime that he would stop or report, derail the legal system. [NPR]

via NPR

Thought it was over? Hell no. It reminds me of when I saw Nina Hagen in a club up the street. Kurt Cobain had recently blown his head off. Nina sang a terrifying cover of "Rape Me". Later in the show she had a "country-western song for Kurt" featuring the refrain "everywhere I go, all I hear is KURT KURT KURT!" Trump is trying to limit the testimony of Pence. What is even the point of this? Pence collapses on inquiry and gives up nothing important. [NBC]

In case you were wondering, Trump has backup and they are trying to steal 2024 right now. [Guardian]

doesn't he look a televangelist too big for his suit?
via Guardian

The Federal Reserve is "cautious" as always but is likely to raise the prime interest rate again despite the job market cooling like they wanted. This is why we need a welfare state. There needs to be tension in the market or the market collapses. Companies were very unhappy when there were more jobs and less people to fill them so workers could demand fair treatment. The capitalist model requires unemployment to keep wages low. So they're going to give more of your money to the banks. Some of those banks will fail. And all the money flows from the bottom to the top. [Financial Times]

via Unencyclopedia

Political discussion welcome.

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