Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Politics Corner March 8th


photo mine 

Biden will release a budget that would reduce the deficit by three trillion dollars and still increase Medicare. You would think that this would make Republicans happy but no they want to cut foreign aid, healthcare, food and housing programs. [Associated Press]

photo via Associated Press

“We also agree with what Fox News’s own attorneys and executives have now repeatedly stressed in multiple courts of law: That Tucker Carlson is not credible.” saith the White House. [CNN]

"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait," saith Tucker Carlson, "I hate him passionately. ... I can’t handle much more of this," [NBC]

via The Bow Tie Club

Zelensky invited House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to Ukraine. McCarthy is too afraid of his own party to go. To be fair, if he wasn't afraid of them he would be afraid of getting close to a war zone. Puts Biden in perspective. [CNN]

via Giphy

Black Lives Still Matter: but not so much to the police. The Justice Department has found that the murder of Brionna Taylor was just part of the problem with the Louisville Metro Police who routinely use unjustified tactics. [BBC]

Downstream in Memphis, several police officers are facing charges in the beating death of Tyre Nichols and the Justice Department has initiated a probe. Charges have also been filed against the fire department but they haven't been released yet. The chief of police says she can find no evidence of the "reckless driving" that Nichols was pulled over for. [NBC]

via NBC

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