Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Politics Corner March 7th


photo mine

Dobbs is still falling out and the damage is falling on women and not the politicians who want to punish them. Five women are suing the state of Texas for clarification of when abortions can and cannot be administered. It is insane to force women to go through unfeasible pregnancies just because you don't like abortion. Meanwhile, on the national stage, Walgreens has folded and given in to Republican governors and will not distribute Mifepristone where it's opposed. [Texas Tribune] [CNN Business]

via Texas Tribune

Most of the US Supreme Court didn't seem all that bothered when violent insurrectionists invaded the Capital and attempted to murder the Vice President and the Speaker of the House and many others. But when unarmed, peaceful protesters came after them it was time to pass unconstitutional laws to protect themselves. I wonder what they are going to do with this Justice Department memo and how they will justify that. [Daily Beast]

via Daily Beast

History is written by the winners?

Update: Let them fight! [NBC] [NBC]

via The Bow Tie Club

I get that Powell lived through the seventies and that is going to color his economic focus. But the circumstances today are nothing like they were then. Well, other than trying to rebound from a disgraced Republican president. But even that is different. Every rate hike takes money out of your pocket and puts in the banker's pocket. Who is he working for again?

via School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Political discussion welcome

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