Friday, March 31, 2023

Politics Corner March 31st


photo mine

Okay, I know that we're all still talking about the indictment of Trump and drooling over the arraignment and praying for the imprisonment. I hope y'all keep in mind that this is going to a long, involved process and several other courts will jump into the fray. The big thing is that we have to do this or we simply will not have a democracy anymore. You want evidence of that? Just look at Wisconsin's Supreme Court race. Evan Kelly worked to overturn the actual results of the 2020 and award false Electors from Wisconsin even though the voters went for Biden. If he gets the bench then they have enough votes on the court to send Republican electors regardless of how many Democrats vote.  This is happening across the US. I don't know what's next but I hope it's good. Oh yeah, I might get my blue state back.

via The Nation

Political discussion welcome.

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