Thursday, December 8, 2022

Politics Corner December 8th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

Just a reminder that my rights as a human are up for a vote. Same thing if you don't qualify as white or don't worship the favored form of God. That's not the way that things are supposed to work. Today it worked out good. I don't expect this travesty of a Supreme Court to keep it up. Remember that old Reese's commercial? You got your religion in my life. Know what? I didn't get my life in your religion. [Associated Press]

Via Associated Press

So, is it going to be orange? Or are we going with classic black and white stripes? [CNN]

Via Tenor

The Justice Department is asking a Fed Judge to hold Trump in the same contempt that the rest of us do. [CNN]

Via Reaction Gifs

Oh yeah, we got Brittney Griner back which is great news, in exchange for an arms dealer which, uh....[NBC]

Via Tenor

Political discussion welcome

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