Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Politics Corner November 29th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

The last time the Senate passed a defense of marriage bill it was meant to specifically exclude same-sex couples. Today they Senate passed a bill that would protect marriages that have already happened. It still doesn't protect same-sex marriage moving forward but it would make it difficult for this travesty of a US Supreme Court to completely reverse LGBTQetc. rights. [Associated Press]

Via Tenor

Politics Corner came home to more good news: Oath Keeper founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes was found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Conspiracy implies that more convictions will follow. [Business Insider]

Via Tenor

Mark Meadows appealed to the South Carolina Supreme Court to avoid testifying before a Georgia grand jury the the South Carolina Supreme Court ordered Mark Meadows to testify before the Georgia grand jury. I can't make this shit up. [CNBC]

Via Gfycat

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