Thursday, September 8, 2022

Politics Corner September 8th


Via Visit Milwaukee

The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen! What? Kate Middleton is not taking over? Then why did she buy all of those hats?

Meanwhile, back in the states, a Federal grand jury has expanded its January 6th probe to include Trump's "Save America" PAC. [ABC]

Via Glamour

The Justice Department will appeal the appointment of a Special Master arguing that this will compromise sensitive information. [Associated Press]

I'm still not convinced that we even need fight inflation (except in the housing market which is insane) and I don't see how letting banks bleed consumers dry is going to help. We're almost at full employment so if anything the Fed should be trying to slow employment. The dirty secret of capitalism is that unemployment is mandated. If everyone has a job then employees can demand what they want. [CNBC]

Via Dribble

Oh yeah, thirty years from now it's not just your mortgage that will be underwater. [PHYS.ORG]

Via Tenor

Political discussion welcome.

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