Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Politics Corner September 7th

Via Visit Milwaukee

About four years late but that's what happens when you elect an asshole.


They're putting my rights up for a vote again. This is insane. Rights should not be a popularity contest. Do we like gays this year, do we hate trans people? Fuck that. We're all human and should be allowed the same dignity that is given to insurrectionist trash. Oh, and Our Dumb Senator will rot in hell and worse? He's gonna get a room next to Ted Cruz. [CNN]

Via Center for American Progress

Michigan has gotten rid of a 1931 law banning abortion. Good. Now do Wisconsin where the law could be from 1849 when women and people of color were not allowed to vote. So we've got ancient white guys telling us what to do. [Detroit Free Press]

Via American Friends Service Committee

Once again Bannon is playing John the Baptist to Trumps MAGAt Jesus. It looks like prison and fraud's the cause. [NPR]

Via Twitter

Political discussion welcome.

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