Sunday, September 4, 2022

Politics Corner September 4th


Via Visit Milwaukee

I don't get a weekend. Funeral yesterday, cookout tomorrow, shopping and cleaning today. But hey it's not like we're still playing the same story all weekend. What? You think I'm going to talk about how "divisive" Biden is? Fuck that. The people who tried to tear our democracy apart were divisive. Biden's just trying to steer us back to normal. If you've ever driven a car on ice you'll understand when I say that he's laying off the brakes and steering against the skid. That's how you survive a scary moment and right now we need an alert driver.

No. the big story, no matter how much they try to bury it is the stolen government documents in Trump's possession. Even if he "thought" (and there's a stretch) that he had "declassified" them they were still not his and were required to be returned. There are no excuses for this. [Axios]

Via Giphy

Political discussion welcome.

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