Sunday, September 25, 2022

Politics Corner September 25th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

It's been a long week and I'm tired. A bunch of stupid stuff happened today and the President had nice things to say about his dog. Things are still insane between Russia and Ukraine. Putin seems to be losing control of his own people. If he arrests all the protesters he can't very well expect them to be good soldiers for him.

On a much less important level, Roger Waters has been canceled in Poland. They used to really like Putin in Poland until he decided that he wanted to rebuild the Soviet Union. They know that they're next after Ukraine. Waters is sticking with his peace before freedom message and has been blaming Ukraine for Russia's aggression. Krakow, which knows all about Nazi aggression and Soviet occupation isn't having it. I'm old enough to remember when Waters was against authoritarianism.

Political discussion welcome.

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