Thursday, September 15, 2022

Politics Corner September 15th


Via Visit Milwaukee

My rights are still up for a popular vote. Just now they don't want the population to actually vote on them. None of this is acceptable. Either rights are rights or there's no such thing as rights. [NBC]

There are people being shoved around to make political points. Lives are being ruined. Families are being hurt. All so that DeSantis and Abbott can win elections. I've seen how the sausage is made and I can tell you that sausage is Soylent Green. [Texas Tribune]

I know there are people in Texas and Florida who would welcome people in distress. Their Governors will not and have sent these people to Martha's Vineyard and DC and just dumped them. Not refugees so much as refuge.
Via Texas Tribune

Just a reminder that when we let the adults take charge things happen like they should. [NPR]

there's a tongue in a cheek somewhere
Via Wikipedia

Another day, another rat. [CNN]

Political discussion welcome.

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