Thursday, August 25, 2022

Politics Corner August 25th


Via Visit Milwaukee

Remember how Penny Pingleton was permanently punished in Hairspray? Well that's now every woman and girl of child-bearing age in Texas as well as any doctor who dares to treat them. [Texas Tribune]

Via GetYarn
So the Trump Justice Department knew that he was obstructing justice and just came up with a bunch of lame excuses for him that wouldn't stand up in a court run by a Trump appointed judge. [ABC]

this is not a mugshot, yet

The Trump administration desperately tried to poison you to win the 2020 election. [Politico]

Via Giphy

Trump thinks he's going to have a Presidential library and that's why he needs all those top secret documents to sell or use for blackmail. How many copies of Mein Kampf will there be? [Business Insider]


Political discussion welcome.

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