Friday, May 6, 2022

Politics Corner May 6th


Via Visit Milwaukee

With any luck I will be out of the hospital sometime tomorrow which means someone else can move up here and another poor soul can escape the waiting room. I feel guilty still being here but I'm not quite full strength and not quite clear headed - although could be the Valium they give me on demand. Low dose but since I don't normally do Valium.... It's a strange sensation because I don't feel high at all. It's like all my problems disappear.. That can be very dangerous in real life so I'm glad they're not sending me home with it.

Unfortunately they've added three more drugs to my routine Big Pharma is making a fortune off of my prescriptions. Overflowing hospitals is only part of the problem. Over-inflated drug prices is another. Thank god I'm not diabetic (yet). The whole health care system is broken. I don't know if any form of socialized medicine (single plan, universal Medicare) could fix all of that but it certainly couldn't be worse.

I live off in the distance among the big buildings.
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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