Friday, April 1, 2022

It's Not Easy Being (Aryan) Queen And Other Friday Headlines

Via Giphy

Liz Dye On Whether Or Not DOJ Is 'doINg sOmEThInG!!!1!!!!' [Wonkette]

'Trump's Treason' [The Bulwark]

Missouri Senate Candidate Trudy Busch Was Once The 'Queen Of Love & Beauty*' At The Racist 'Veiled Prophet Ball' [Wonkette]

Via Gfycat

You'll Never Guess Who's Joining Fox News As A Contributor [TV Line]

Kevin Smith Apologized For His Previous Criticisms Of Working With Bruce Willis [The A.V. Club]

Via Tumblr

'Is There Even the Slightest Chance That We, As a Nation, Are Becoming Somewhat Humorless?' [I Might Be Wrong]

'Donna Summer Deserves' [Black Girl Songbook]

SJP Was Dazzling On The Plaza Suite Red Carpet [Tom & Lorenzo]

Via AminoApps

Via Giphy

*Yes, the same title later held by Ellie Kemper.


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