Thursday, February 17, 2022

Politics Corner February 17th


Via National Park Service

Bombs bursting somewhere and all sides are claiming "Your fault!" Russia shouldn't be there in the first place. Putin's fault. [Reuters]

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We want the building back that Trump never should have desecrated with his Grift Hotel. [CNBC]

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Meanwhile soon-to-be-perjurer Trump is trying to change the rules to defeat Lynn Cheney. [Caspar Star Tribune]

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The government will pay its bills until the next go round. How is this a thing? Everyone who wants to mock the federal budget always claims that we balance our budgets so why can't the government balance theirs? First, it's a lot more complicated than that and there's so much more at stake. But they're basically saying Fuck it. Shut off the electric, the gas, the phone lines, the internet, the credit cards, the gas cards, take back the house, the cars, take everything, I'm not paying because reasons. [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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