Friday, January 7, 2022

Politics Corner January 7th


Via National Park Service

Three men were sentenced in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Both father and son McMichaels were sentenced to life without parole. Bryan was sentenced to life with possibility of parole. [Brunswick News]

Via Roll Call

Unemployment plunged. Here's why that's bad news for Biden. [Investor's Business Daily]

Via Roll Call

When you can't find a COVID test because of scarcity, keep in mind that the state of Florida let one million tests expire rather than use them. I'm guessing they're still using that Trump logic that more testing equals more cases so stop testing. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune]

Via Slate

The only criminal charge against former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been dismissed. Civil suits are planned. [Associated Press]

Via Deccan Herald

Political discussion welcome.

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