Friday, December 3, 2021

Politics Corner December 3rd


Via National Park Service

Anyone feeling good that their religious beliefs are likely to be enforced by the US Supreme Court should keep in mind that this opens the door to other religions. Christians feeling comfortable in the majority would be wise to remember that there are many strains of Christianity and they don't all believe the same thing. Some are even separate religions and in Utah the Church of Latter Day Saints, and not "mainstream" Christians, has the power. Among the many aspects of public life that is determined by LDS morals is the distribution of welfare. Hint: non-Mormons do not fare well. [ProPublica]

This is also a good time to remind ourselves that the US is home to people of all faiths and no faith. The largest single group of Americans claim "none" when asked about religion. Is this really about abortion? Of course it is. The right to choose isn't just about one thing. It's about who is in control of whose body. Whose morals determine what is right?

Welfare Square
Via ProPublica

Political discussion welcome.

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