Thursday, December 2, 2021

Politics Corner December 2nd


Via National Park Service

As soon as the ink dries on a decision overturning Roe v. Wade, abortion will be illegal in a huge chunk of the US. More likely to follow. [NPR]

photo mine

The Omicron variant is across the country, we still don't have a grasp on the Delta variant, we can't convince a ridiculous number of people to get vaccinated, and I still can't travel to South Africa because South African scientists were good at their job South Africa has black people. [NBC]

coconut palms
photo mine

The House select committee on the insurrection has been busy out of the spotlight. They've interviewed about 250 people so far and they're not done yet. [Associated Press]

photo mine

The government is going to be funded again - at least until the next round. The House passed the funding bill and Republican amendments were rejected in the Senate which may have passed the bill by the time you read this. [Guardian]

and almond trees, wonder what I could do with that
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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