Thursday, November 18, 2021

Politics Corner November 18th


Via National Park Service

The defense rested in the trial of the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery. Court is recessed for the weekend and the trial will resume Monday with closing arguments. [Brunswick News]

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Another day and no verdict in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. But the judge banned MSNBC from the courtroom because one of their employees got a traffic citation near a van full of jurors. MSNBC claims they were not attempting to film jurors which would be obvious to anyone who has watched MSNBC. Wonder what would have happened if it had been Fox News or OANN? I don't. [Independent]

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And we could be starting this all over again after the cops tried to minimize the fact that they shot a kid to death who had his hands up. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

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We know the cost of Biden's social and climate plan and it's time for the House to vote. [CNBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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