Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Politics Corner September 28th


Via National Park Service

I'm seeing a lot more about what has replaced the tent city and not much about what happened to the homeless that used to live there. Supposedly everyone now has a home but they quickly brush aside another budding tent city to the south. The reason the tent cities spring up where they do is because those are spaces that we didn't want - at least until the homeless moved in. This seems more like an effort to push the homeless away from the heart of the city and it's services and transportation. [Urban Milwaukee]

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Manchin is soaking up all the attention ahead of Thursday. All of the media and now President Biden. Hopefully it will be enough to end his tantrum. [MSNBC]

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Trump would rather have everyone call him an asshole than be the butt of a joke. Also, he hated Pence long before we thought he did. [Insider]

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You're likely to get more stories like that last one and you'll have Omarosa Manigault, of all people, to thank. [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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