Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Occasional cooks: mmm, that cake...

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.

I challenge Hedy to make this cake!

via Good Food

This coconut sponge with lime and papaya compote looks lush and decadent, while still looking like a lovely, homemade cake, not some insta-worthy piece of perfection.

Via Good Food

Choosing with my eyes - this sweet potato chaat with coconut, mint and lime sambal looks amazing, but uses too many non-staples for a quick try out. Save this one for when you want to impress some vegetarian guests.

I always really like Adam Liaw's recipes - genuinely down-to-earth; they're designed to make cooking easy and achievable. 

1. Nothing is cheating
This is true even in normal times but it bears repeating now. Cereal for dinner? It doesn't say breakfast anywhere on the box (I know, I checked two different boxes). An omelette is a fantastic quick meal at any time of day. If you're not confident with your omelette skills go for scrambled eggs instead.

What are you eating this week? 

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