Thursday, August 5, 2021

Politics Corner August 5th


Via National Park Service

It's not "both sides" to support the police officers who defended our government on January 6th and to root out bad police officers across the nation. The Justice Department is adding an investigation of the Phoenix Police Department to their ongoing investigations in Minnesota and Kentucky. [NPR]

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More details keep coming in Trump's coup attempt. It wasn't just the rabble in the Capital but also traitors in the Justice Department. [Intelligencer]

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Texas Democrats need to get out of Austin fast. Gov. Abbott has called for another special session beginning Saturday. He still wants to ram through voter suppression and other items. Wisconsin is nice this time of year and we have less COVID than Texas. [San Antonio Express-News]

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Not sure about Johnson & Johnson (or AstraZeneca or any of the other vaccines available elsewhere) but the US is working to quickly approve a third shot COVID vaccination for people with suppressed immune systems. Those people are only a sliver of the population but about 44% of breakthrough cases are immunosuppressed. [CNBC]

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Political discussion welcome.