Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Occasional cooks: yoghurt, yogurt and not-gurt

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.


Mmm, yoghurt. I love yoghurt, I have it for breakfast most days (with berries and muesli), and often as an after dinner snack. 

I never understood people complaining about yoghurt, or that frozen yoghurt is terrible and just pretending to be ice cream. Then I discovered there is something called Australian-style yoghurt, which is creamier and usually sweeter than other styles available in the US. Yeah, no wonder people don't like yoghurt if they're attempting to eat Greek yoghurt on its own!

Here's a good explainer for the different types of yoghurt available. 'Natural' in this article would be the Australian-style ones in the US. This talks about the vegan alternatives (coconut and other nut milks) too - it's interesting to see that the method of making this is essentially the same. However, the key difference is that the non-dairy yoghurts are very low in protein and calcium compared to dairy yoghurt, so only really good as an occasional snack/dessert, not as a substitute for more regularly eaten yoghurt.


This kari-kari chicken with spiced yoghurt looks good. This looks nice and fresh, and would be good outside on the grill too.


My question for today is about cast-iron pans - I'm thinking of upgrading my frying pan and I have questions! Do you use them? Recommend them? How do you wash a seasoned iron pan?