Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Jul. 27

 Here are today's contestants:

- Jon, a contracts manager & political consultant, named his children after a cartoon character and a biologist;

- Barb, a high school librarian, can rewrite old song lyrics in 15 minutes; and

- Matt, a Ph.D. student, is a "radical minimalist". Matt is a four-day champ with winnings of $122,400.

Matt opened a big lead with a double-up on DD2, but Barb got the last clue of DJ before time expired to stay alive into FJ with $12,400 vs. $24,400 for Matt and $7,200 for Jon.

DD1 - $800 - YOU'VE GOT SOME NERVE - The shortest of the cranial nerves, it's responsible for your sense of smell (Matt won $4,400 on a true DD.)

DD2  - $1,600 - SCIENCE FICTION - Arthur C. Clarke's "Rendezvous with" this isn't about a Hindu god but rather a spooky craft that's entered our galaxy (Matt won $8,400 on a true DD vs. $7,600 for Barb.)

DD3 - $1,200 - WORLD OF JOBS - In Swedish: blomsterhandlare (Matt lost $2,000 from his score of $18,000 vs. $7,600 for Barb.)

FJ - MYTHOLOGICAL ANIMALS - After being born this creature would bring the remains of its forebear to Heliopolis & put them on the altar of the sun god

Matt and Barb were correct on FJ, with Matt adding $1,000 to win with $25,400 for a five-day total of $147,800.

Wagering strategy: Note how Matt followed up his two all-in DD bets with a modest one on DD3 after he built his big lead. As it played out, that $2,000 wager would have given Matt a runaway into FJ if correct, but didn't endanger his first place position when he missed.

Triple Stumpers of the day: The bottom three clues in WORLD OF JOBS were missed, including the Dutch word "boer" meaning "farmer", and the Polish word "hydraulik" meaning "plumber".

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is olfactory? DD2 - What is "Rama"? DD3 - What is florest? FJ - What is phoenix?

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