Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Occasional cooks: easy meals for lockdown (or summer?)

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share your cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.


I went looking for recipes for this week, and this list really appealed to me, stuck at home and expecting our lockdown to get extended.

So this week is going to be easy, cook-in-one-pan meals, most more suited to Melbourne's early winter weather than for anyone else.

The barbecued marinated chicken with spicy mayonnaise in the top picture can go on the grill, so good for a summer weekend.


Mmm, slow-roasted drumsticks with sage and butter! Pity caterpillars ate my sage plant, and I haven't re-planted it yet.


Quick red curry chicken - yum. I used to get the best red curry duck from a restaurant near my old place. I wonder how easy it is to sub in duck for the chicken? This recipe actually uses a ready-roasted chicken, so I have to imagine it's possible.

Speaking of duck, if you want to understand my neighbourhood - a mix of grand Victorian terraces and former slums, once super-working class, now rapidly gentrifying, but still full of public housing and changing waves of migrants - a visit to the meat section of my supermarket won't help. I can get duck, quail, spatchcock, but it all has security tags on it.

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