Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Jun. 2

 Let's meet today's contestants:

- Lydia, a biomedical engineer, whose cat hates the vet;

- John, an English professor, got his head stuck in a bus door; and

- Robin, a hospitality executive, almost had a child in a car. Robin is a one-day champ with winnings of $12,601.

Robin and John were tied at $11,000 going into the last untouched category, and Robin was able to solve two of those clues to take the lead into FJ at $13,000 vs. $11,000 for John and $2,800 for Lydia.

DD1 - $600 - EUROPEAN HISTORY - This nation that was formed at the end of World War I broke in 2 in 1993 (John lost $2,000 from his score of $2,600.)

DD2 - $2,000 - IT'S ALL ABOUT HER - "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" is less about Alice & more about this woman, her life partner who wrote the book (Robin won $2,000 from her total of $9,800 vs. $8,000 for John.)

DD3 (video) - $800 - ART MOVEMENTS - With work like "Indefinite Divisibility" Yves Tanguy helped import this European movement to the United States (John won $3,000 from his score of $9,600 vs. $11,800 for Robin.)

FJ - NEWSPAPER NAMES - Used as a newspaper name from New York to San Diego, it was an ancient Roman official who represented the people’s interest

John and Lydia were correct on FJ. John added $8,700 to win with $19,700.

Wagering strategy: With his bet size, John forced himself to be correct on FJ to win, while if he had wagered $5,399 or less, he could have taken the victory if Robin missed without having to be correct himself.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew the head covering to use when you've "Got some caped crusading to do" is a cowl.

Cluereader corner: Bialik said the was "disappointed" that English professor John didn't get a Shakespeare clue, and she seemed very amused by the clue writing, as she was chuckling throughout.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is Czechoslovakia? DD2 - Who was Gertrude Stein? DD3 - What is surrealism? FJ - What is Tribune?

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