Sunday, May 16, 2021

Totally Tunes: You're Burning Up The Quarter Mile

 Vroom vroom, friends! Here we are, cruisin' on our rods, firing up the wheels and revving the engines for today's Totally Tunes. Roll along with me as we hear the clink of the pistons in the freeway of embedded videos and... woof, I don't think I can make any more car analogies. I don't even know how to drive, folks, but I tried and that's what matters, right? So here are some tunes about our automobile friends.

What is this, a car for ants?!!? via Pexels

Let's begin, as usual, with the song that gives this article its title, in this case a fun song from the musical Grease, in where a bunch of dudes literally tune up a car in order to have "chicks cream" on their "pussy wagon". Never forget the time Grease! Live changed those lyrics to "dragon wagon".

This post was mainly inspired by last week's Monkees entry, as initially I was going to put, in the Peter Tork song space, this really fun track about, well, a car and Peter's love for it. It's a hoot. Did you know Davy Jones produced it?

It's a big country music cliché to write songs about your rides, especially your trucks. Country music sure loves their big gallon guzzlers. And it still rages on in this year of our lord 2021:

Some folks just really like the people driving a certain car...

And, to close, some people just REALLY REALLY LOVE THEIR CAR. Of course you can see it as a metaphor for boinking, but let's be honest, we all know someone who has an unhealthy attachment to their vehicle, just like the main idea for this Roger Taylor-penned Queen track.

What's your favorite song about a car? If you could write a song to your car, how would it be?

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