Thursday, May 27, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Thur., May 27

 Let's meet the players for the final round of the 2021 Tournament of Champions:

- Sam Kavanaugh, who has improved eyesight;

- Jennifer Quail, who signed a wine bottle for a fan; and

- Veronica Vichit-Vadakan, who has benefitted from fielding all kinds of questions as a librarian.

Jennifer found back-to-back DDs in DJ, but could only make a net $1,400 on them, while Sam stayed in command, entering FJ at $24,000 vs. $11,000 for Jennifer and $8,200 for Veronica.

DD1 - $1,000 - SHAKESPEARE CHARACTER FOOTBALL TEAM - A very outside LB, this guy plays on an island; the son of a witch & a devil, he's a total beast out there! (Sam won $3,400 on a true DD.)

DD2 - $800 - HISTORY - In 1247, the Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem, later an asylum known by this 6-letter name, opened in London (Jennifer won $4,400 on a true DD vs. $15,600 for Sam.)

DD3 - $2,000 - LAW SLAW - The first play by lord, novelist, politician & inmate Jeffrey Archer had a legalistic title, "Beyond" these 2 words (On the very next clue from the previous DD, Jennifer lost $3,000 from her score of $8,800.)

FJ - MUSIC & GEOGRAPHY - In a British folk tune, the title lass Maggie May is sentenced to go way down south to this penal colony that rhymes with her name

Sam and Jennifer were correct on FJ. 

Sam added $14,000 to finish at $38,000, which will be added to his score tomorrow to determine his final total. Jennifer picked up $3,500 and will have $14,500 carried over, while Veronica dropped $1,800 for a first-game total of $6,400.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew that Boris, who is "black & hairy & very small" in a song by The Who, is a spider.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who is Caliban? DD2 - What is Bedlam? DD3 - What is "Reasonable Doubt"? FJ - What is Botany Bay?

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