Introducing today's contestants:
- Sara, a stay-at-home parent, gave birth very close to her audition;
- Juliet, a graduate student, got on the show instead of her dad; and
- Jaime, a writer and consultant, pulls over for alpacas. Jaime is a two-day champ with winnings of $50,200.
Jamie went on a strong run midway in DJ to establish the advantage at $19,400 going into FJ over Juliet at $15,800. Sara found both DDs in DJ from third position and entered FJ at $9,800.
DD1 -$1,000 - AMERICANA - Boothill graveyard is still a popular draw in this town about 30 miles from the Arizona-Mexico border (Jamie won $1,200 on a true DD.)
DD2 - $2,000 - MONKS - A biography called "The Monk in the Garden" is subtitled "The Lost and Found Genius of" him, "the Father of Genetics" (Sara lost $3,500 from her third-place score of $5,200.)
DD3 - $1,600 - A WHOPP"INGTON" OF A CITY - The Thoroughbred Owners & Breeders Association is headquartered here (Sara won $2,900 on a true DD, remaining in third behind $11,400 for Juliet and $10,600 for Jamie.)
FJ - SHAKESPEARE & HISTORY - Macbeth has a vision of a line of 8 Scottish kings, the 8th holding a mirror to reflect this 9th in line who may have been in the audience
Only Juliet was correct on FJ, adding $8,000 to win with $23,800.
Triple Stumper of the day: No one could provide the final word in the Milton line, "They also serve who only stand and wait."
Judging the writers: The last two categories in round one were SHEEP and JUST GOT REAL. I see what they did there. However, I must admit that if A WHOPP"INGTON" OF A CITY is some kind of pun or reference, it's lost on me.
Correct Qs: DD1 - What is Tombstone? DD2 - Who was Mendel? DD3 - What is Lexington? FJ - Who was James I?