Thursday, April 29, 2021

Politics Corner, April 29th

Via National Park Service

If you missed the Biden Presidential Address to Congress you can see what we thought of it by looking through the comments of yesterday's Politics Corner. Spoilers: we agreed with the majority of viewers and listeners according to post speech numbers from CBS and CNN. Those numbers are so overwhelming that they must include independents and Republicans.

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Remember when a bunch of crazies wanted to kidnap the Governor of Michigan and take her to Wisconsin for trial and execution? New charges have been added against them. The planned to use a weapon of mass destruction to disable security protecting the Guv. [CNN]

I'm in the building at the back on the left
photo mine

Home sweet home
photo mine

The names of seven Deputies who were on the scene of the murder of Andrew Brown, Jr. have been released. Four of them have been cleared to return to duty. The three who shot Brown remain on leave. [NPR]

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Political discussion welcome.

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