Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Apr. 28

Let's meet today's contestants:

- Leah, a product manager, is making her way through "The Joy of Cooking";

- Hari, a college student, hiked in New Zealand; and

- Dana, an English professor, promised her students a cut of her winnings. Dana  is a one-day champ with winnings of $20,600.

Hari entered DJ with just $200, quickly took the lead in DJ, dropped back to third after missing DD3, regained first place, and was tied going into FJ with Leah at $13,800 vs. $10,000 for Dana.

DD1 -$600 - AMERICA BEFORE 1800 - In December 1732 Benjamin Franklin published his first edition of this, for the coming year (Dana won the table limit of $1,000.)

DD2 - $1,200 - AUTHORS NOT GOING PLACES - Bram Stoker consulted the 1865 book this region: "Its Products and its People" to write about a place he never went (On the first clue of DJ, Hari won the window maximum of $2,000.)

DD3 - $1,600 - GET OFF OF MY CLOUD - Poet John Milton coined this "precious" term for the upside of a cloud (Hari lost $4,000 from his score of $10,200 vs. $6,600 for Leah and $6,400 for Dana.)

FJ - HOLLYWOOD LEGENDS - This director was quoted as saying, “I believe I can take any 60 pages of the Bible and make a great picture”

Leah and Dana were correct on FJ. Leah elected to go with a small wager of $3,795 and took the win with $17,595.

Triple Stumper of the day: Leah was the MVP of the football category, getting four out of five correct and only missing the penalty for blocking from behind below the waist, clipping.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is "Poor Richard's Almanac"? DD2 - What is Transylvania? DD3 - What is a silver lining? FJ - Who was DeMille?

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