Friday, January 8, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Fri., Jan. 8 - Alex Trebek's final episode

 Introducing today's contestants:

- Jim, an assistant professor of English education, has more books than he can ever read;

- Cliff, a software engineering manager, can make a heart with his fingers; and

- Yoshie, an executive assistant, knows the secret to calligraphy is practice. Yoshie is a two-day champ with winnings of $31,600.

Mispronunciations at the end of DJ sent Cliff home in the red at -$400 and cost Yoshie first place going into FJ with $12,200 vs. $12,800 for Jim.

DD1 - $800 - ARTISTS IN EUROPE - Well-established in 1639, he paid the hefty price of 13,000 guilders for a house in Amsterdam that today houses his museum (Yoshie won the table limit of $1,000.)

DD2 - $800 - CROSS WORLD CLUES - It is sandwiched between Queensland & Victoria (3, 5, 5) (Yoshie won $3,000 from her leading score of $10,400 vs. $6,000 for Cliff.)

DD3 - $1,200 - HISTORY OF FLIGHT - Also a type of flying marsupial, this nonpowered craft was pioneered by Otto Lilienthal & Octave Chanute (Tied for second at $8,800, Cliff lost it all on a true DD vs. $13,400 for Yoshie.)

FJ - WOMEN & SCIENCE - Dr. Margaret Todd gave science this word for different forms of one basic substance; it's from the Greek for "equal" & "place"

Yoshie's error on the final clue of DJ likely wound up making the difference, as both players were correct on FJ. Jim added $11,601 to win with $24,401.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew the 1969 song that mentions "joo joo eyeball" & "toe jam football" is "Come Together".


Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Rembrandt? DD2 - What is New South Wales? DD3 - What is glider? FJ - What is isotope?

The episode ended with a montage of humorous moments with Alex over the years. 

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