Sunday, November 29, 2020

Totally Tunes: Kids Movies Have Better Songs Than Grownup Movies

 That's quite the hypothesis right there, maybe I should do an investigation on that subject matter. We adults get the big epic movie tunes, but are they as fun and/or tearjerking as the songs on kids movies? I'm not doing a whole grandstand masterclass on the matter, but in this article I shall expose some evidence to prove my hypothesis to the academic and kino masses.

Photo via Pexels

To begin this masterclass, I mean article, I present you Exhibit A: the first movie about a human-enraging member of the lupine kind has this beautiful song that it doesn't only have one version in the film, but TWO! And in one of them the actor voicing said lupine absolutely butchers it, so let's go with the original version buried in the credits.

Exhibit B: a very iconic Randy Newman song that I was taught to sing in school (in Spanish, no less) because well, who knows.

Exhibit C: a tremendous cover version sung by Edina Monsoon for a movie about an ogre who goes to meet his in-laws.

Exhibit D: the flock of baaaaa-galls' theme song from their show got remixed, revamped, and rewooled for their first feature film.

Exhibit E: because I'm going overboard with the amount of videos embedded here, and I'm sure y'all are itching to link your favorite Disney movie songs in the comments, let's do the usual and close with some Sir Elton.

What's your favorite song from a kids movie? Do you dare to prove my hypothesis wrong?

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