Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Politics Corner, July 8th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

This is the Aida. We tag-teamed with her all through the Indian Ocean and met again in Cape Town. She carried COVID. We did not. I don't know when or where they were allowed to disembark. For all I know the crew is still out there.

photo mine

Once again DeVos wants to rob from the poor kids and give to the rich kids. A bunch of States aren't having it. [PBS News Hour]

If they knew this was the last atrium we'd ever see,
would they have made it more interesting?photo mine

COVID isn't paying attention to Trump. It's bursting out all over. [NBC]

Meanwhile, back in the States
photo ?

Yeah, the upcoming visit of Mexico's President is a political stunt for Trump but it is also a political stunt for Lopez Obrador. It's no accident that Trudeau is sitting out this shit show. [Politico]

It looked like I could jump to freedomphoto mine

Political discussion welcome.

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