Monday, July 6, 2020

Politics Corner, July 6th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

And the grift goes on... [Public Citizen]

Water water everywhere
photo mine

There goes the neighborhood. Literally. One of my biggest neighbors is the Milwaukee School of Engineering. It may not have the cache of MIT or some of the other big schools but it's on the same playground. They take a lot of money from a lot of students to tell them that they are as smart as they are. A lot of that money comes from overseas. There is a ton of money pouring in from Pakistan and India and many other countries into MSOE and all of those students are the ones who can afford rent in my neighborhood.. [Politico]

But the world intrudes
Not sure but it's probably from our site



Does potty dance for another week. [CNN]

So what to do?
photo mine

Sadly, Don Jr. is the new Typhoid Mary. The porno has been #canceled. [Page Six]

We knew forever ago...
Again, likely our site

Political discussion welcome.

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