Thursday, July 30, 2020

Politics Corner, July 30th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Of course the President of the United States of America didn't suggest that we toss out the US Constitution, fair elections and the rule of law. He swore to uphold and enforce those things. [NBC]

You know, I thought Republicans would have been ashamed after Nixon, Reagan and Bushes. Now I know. They are incapable of shame. The closest they get is resting concerned face.

Another year older
photo mine

While we're at it, let's be clear. Black lives do not matter. [CNBC]

And deeper in debt
photo mine

It's the same old song
photo mine

Remember the "before time" when we used to have a President? Pepperidge Farm remembers. [CNN]

With a different meaning now the world is gone
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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