Sunday, June 14, 2020

Totally Tunes: Totally Not Me

Sometimes artists, or even bands, just want to lay low for a while. Of course, hungry for fame as most artists are, they can't help themselves, and create a whole new project with a nickname or a stage name to keep on truckin'. But, of course, it's TOTALLY not them with a different name. The most infamous case of this has to be Garth Brooks' weird-ass rock persona, complete with a different nationality and the emo-iest look emo has ever seen:

Hilarious emo moves via The Chris Gaines Countdown

Sadly, Brooks' anger towards YouTube (plus shame) has robbed us of great Gaines videos to post here, so can I offer you Totally Not Green Day instead?

The dude from New York Dolls goes calypso!

And, just for a closer I ask, is it really an alter ego if we 100% know it's a temporary stage persona? I believe there should be the element of surprise (or cringe, in Chris Gaines' case) for it to work. We ALL know who Sasha Fierce is, and of course, we knew the Grand Alter-Ego Man himself:

So, what's your favorite Totally Not X music artist/band? Were you surprised to discover, for example, that Ziggy was Bowie (or whichever case you prefer)?

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