Sunday, June 7, 2020

Totally Tunes: The Other One, Theresa!

What do you do when you have a bunch of songs, but some songs are just NOT. QUITE. IT.? You can always discard them and go on with your life, or you can also go ahead and release them anyways. But, y'know, not there in the public eye and shit. Let's make them B-Sides, that way we don't have to play them live, nor we have to include them in the main album either. If someone buys a single, well, they're getting that extra song, the Theresa.

Photo via Pexels

My favorite song from this band happens to be a B-Side, which always pissed me off because there were so many tracks on the main album that could have been dumped and replaced with this:

The Manics usually have some top tracks as B-Sides, I mean, I could do this whole article on Manics B-Sides alone, but I won't do that...

Whoops, I just did exactly what I said I wouldn't do! Quick, more B-Sides!

Does this one count? I'm not really sure, but heck, why not?

What's your favorite B-Side? Which band/artist you'd love to hear a whole album of B-Sides?

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