Sunday, June 7, 2020

Politics Corner, June 7th

This is normally the weekend that Milwaukee celebrates Pridefest and I would have been down on the grounds at the lakefront since Thursday. We don't have the biggest parade (though it has grown considerably over the years) but we've got probably the biggest festival outside of the biggest of the big cities.

I might go down to the grounds today because there's a BLM protest. I've been avoiding most of them. I've done my time. My voice is worn out. I can't run or even walk really fast if I see shit about to go down.

But this one is different. This is a queer protest in support of people of color. Two groups that intersect and don't always get along. This is something I want to promote.

And there damn well better be TV cameras there because it's a long march to anywhere that there will be other people on a Sunday.

Photo mine

I didn't go. I had plenty of issues but the biggest is that it seemed to be more Pride Parade than protest and I don't have time for that and I don't feel the need to flaunt my fabulousness through empty streets. I also didn't go to the Milwaukee Bucks BLM protest today which I'm sure drew many more people. And I'm guessing zero social distancing.

And that's a big problem for me. The average age in my building has gone down every year that I've been here (about twenty) and we're still in the Danger Zone. If I pick up a virus and bring it home then I'll be sharing that with everyone from the basement to the penthouse. Guess what? It's like that around you too. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Respect mine.

Political discussion welcome.

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