Monday, June 15, 2020

Politics Corner, June 15th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

We'll get to the good news below the fold but I think it's important that we keep our eyes on the prize. There are precious few moments like this where there's a chance to tip the balance. There's an old saying that's just as important today as it ever was: until all of us are free, none of us are free. So while there's a lot to celebrate today there's still a lot of sorrow and anger. Leave no one behind. [CNBC]

Indian Ocean
photo mine

The ruling from the Supreme Court today on the Civil Rights Act is even bigger than you think. It covers not just lesbian and gay employment rights but pretty much the whole spectrum of LGBTQetc. people. I think this is the first time that the Supreme Court has extended the same rights to transgender people. [Rolling Stone]

There's a lot of Indian Ocean
photo mine

The Supreme Court won't hear a case on Sanctuary Cities. Why is this important? It means ICE can't behave like the Gestapo. [Politico]

It don't stop
photo mine

And the Supreme Court also turned down a couple Second Amendment cases. Why is that important? They were expected to erode gun control. Not gonna happen. At least not for a while. [CNN]

It won't stop
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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