Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Politics Corner, April 7th

Y'all familiar with Sonny and Cher? Let's have a sing along. "And the grift goes on, and the the grift goes on." [Daily Beast}

Photo mine

Wisconsin held an election today. The results will be available soon. They won't include votes from people like my partner who could not vote early like I did and won't  risk their own health and others by standing in endless lines at one of the five polling places that were supposed to serve the entire city. I consider this entire election invalid and so should you. The US Supreme Court, or rather the conservative Justices on the US Supreme Court, have shut the election down and provided no relief. Consider this fair warning for November. Republicans will shoot first and ask questions never. [Politico]

Photo mine

And the grift goes on. And the grift goes on. [Atlanta Journal Constiturion]

Photo mine

Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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