Monday, April 13, 2020

Politics Corner, April 13th

Fauci dared to say Trump fucked up and we're going to die because of Trump's fuck up so of course Trump wants to fire him. [NBC]

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view from outside balcony on top of the tallest building in the world

Wisconsin's primary ballots are being counted a week later because the judges who stole our election didn't care about the results. They just didn't want Democrats to vote. The mess won't stop here. [AP]

It looks like the Republican attempt to steal the election backfired and Karofsky defeated the incumbant Kelly. Consider this a warning for both parties. Democrats need to be aware that Republicans are willing to kill their own constituents to stay in power. Republicans need to be aware that Democrats are on to their game. Oh, and Biden trounced Sanders. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

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About the only good thing about a plague is that it stops McConnell from shoving incompetent partisan judges into the system. [Politico]

And the grift goes on. [NBC]

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Is there anything Trump won't use to punish brown people? Of course not. [NPR]

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Political discussion welcome.

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