Saturday, February 22, 2020

Politics Corner, February 22nd

There may or may not be reliable results from the Nevada caucus by the time you read this tonight and who cares? Just the idiots on television. The results from Nevada will be the results from Nevada whether they come in soon enough for the overcaffeinated blowhards on your cable channel of choice.

And we might know and it will be the worst thing in the world and we're already living with that so we might as well all calm down.

Photo mine

The National Security Adviser claims that he hasn't seen the same intelligence that the rest of us have that Russia is helping Trump in the election. Is he that dumb or does he just think we're that dumb? Either way he's disqualified himself. [AP]

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I am going to be so pissed when global warming kills Mexican corn production. It's not like corn will go away but it will be US type  sweet corn which is absolutely wonderful for what it is and abslolutely awful for tortillas or tamales. Trust me, I've tried. [Reuters]

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One of the things that I've done on my way out of the country is to make damn sure that my immunizations are up to date. This can be difficult since like so many Americans I went without regular health care for decades at a time and how the hell do I know who has my pediatric records? It was easier to reconstruct because my mom made sure that I had all the standard immunizations and my school district provided boosters as needed and my parents never opted out.

Kids these days have it so much worse. Because parents these days are the worst. If only the parents would be the ones to pay but it's gonna be their kids. [ABC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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