Friday, February 21, 2020

Politics Corner, February 21st

As I prepare to leave Wisconsin again, a reminder to whoever wins the Democratic nomination: don't repeat Clinton's mistake. A current poll has Trump ahead of all comers in Wisconsin but that's before the Dem Convention in Milwaukee this summer. Don't fuck it up and campaign hard. [Politico]

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Bloomberg says three women can be released from non-disclosure agreements. But how many more are there? [Reuters]

Meanwhile the Weinstein jury is deadlocked. [Reuters]

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Trump is still pissed off that people know that Russia is trying to steal another election for him. Make no mistake: he's not pissed off that Russia is trying to steal an American election. He's pissed off that people know about it. [AP]

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The Democrats are going all out to make Nevada's crazy caucus work. [NBC]

And the Republicans canceled their caucus altogether so that Dear Leader can stay ruler for life. [NBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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