Sunday, January 12, 2020

What's On Tonight (Monday): Meet the New Pope....Same As the Old Pope

Ok The New Pope isn't actually the same as the old pope....the old pope as you know was Jude Law, and the new one is none other than John Malkovitch, soooo i mean clearly they're not the same person...or are they??? This is what's on for January 13th 2020


The Neighborhood (CBS): CBS is in rerun mode tonight (damnit!) so this is a rerun from last February (tho its not like there's anything dating it since the entire show pretty much feels like it was freeze dried back in the mid 80s and I mean that as a complement!) "When Gemma gets her car repaired at Cedric's auto body shop, Tina insists that Cedric fix it for free which sets off some sparks since Cedric feels like he should be paid for his labor; Malcolm and Marty compete to see which one of them can get a date with a woman that they've both somehow managed to match with on a dating app" (Hey I have seen this one after all! Its alright enough an ep I guess)

America's Got Talent (NBC): Continuing the abbreviated winter season, we get 10 more acts auditioning for Simon Cowell and co. Only 4 of them are gonna be moving forward this time with 1 more getting saved thanks to that Golden Buzzer that i remember from summarizing this show over the summer.

The Bachelor (ABC): Peter and Hannah continue their conversation (oooh!); 8 of the women walk the runway as models in a fashion show judged by Janice Dickerson and Carson Keeley. (shrugs)

9-1-1 (FOX): Rerun City, although the Rob Lowe spin-off version of this starts running in this very timeslot here next Monday. (I know its not called 9-1-1 Rob Lowe, but what i'm suggesting here is--maybe it should be???) (9-1-1 Rob Lowe or Rob Lowe 9-1-1---enter your vote below and maybe i'll use it as my official name for it when it starts next week!)

The Flash (The CW): Part 3 of Crisis on Infinite Earths is run here, this is the one that Black Lightning is a part of---and it was also the last one that aired in December, meaning there are still two parts left to go!

Antiques Roadshow (PBS): Believe it or not, they are still at the Winterhur Museum (Woot!) where they are looking at first editions of Stephen King books, an Ilya Schor Silver Plate, and a Louis Comfort Tiffany Oil circa 1870. (I once knew a Tiffany Oil!!! Ok i made that up, but i could have once known a Tiffany Oil!!!)

Henry Danger (Nick): A vigilante in a smiley face mask punishes people for being rude in public. (This honestly sounds like something my 7 year old nephew would've come up with)

The Birthday Wish (Hallmark): Your Hallmark Channel Movie of the night is this one where "When her boyfriend fails to propose, a woman makes a powerful birthday wish that leaves her surprised at the outcome" (That doesn't tell me anything about that happens in this movie beyond maybe the first 5 or 10 know more movie synopsis' should be like that honestly!)


Bob Hearts Abishola (CBS): Rerun from late November--its the one where Abishola goes on a second date with the Nigerian pharmacist and her uncle Tunde is like "Bob's a far nicer guy, I better tell him that this is happening" (Its a good thing he did because well see title)


All Rise (CBS): Yet another rerun--this one has Judge Lola (L-O-L-A Looolaaaaa) using a rarely used judicial power to fire a lawyer for failing to provide an adequate defense for his client (Oh Snap I didn't know judges could do that!); Meanwhile Mark's dad gets arrested for murder. (And i remember from the ads that his dad was played by Tony Dennison of The Closer and Major Crimes!)

Prodigal Son (FOX): December's cliff-hanger finale gets rerun tonight in time for new episodes to return to the lineup next Monday. (If only they also somehow featured Rob Lowe---you could call it Prodical Lowe!!!!)  (Alas Prodigal Son does not have anything to do with Rob Lowe, but Lou Diamond Phillips is in the show's cast, and he's just as good if not better quite honestly!)

Penn and Teller Fool Us (The CW): Rerun fills out the timeslot until proper timeslot occupant Black Lightning returns with new eps i think also next week yes?

Frontline (PBS): America's Great Divide: Obama to Trump Part 1 (Part 1?!?!?!? Whyyyyy?????) "The political environment in the U.S. of A as the 2020 election season approaches." (Sigh)

The Two Popes (HBO): Top Pick of the night goes to this show returning after nearly three years (it aired in i think winter/sring of 17) (Yep googling confirms that it started airing on HBO in January of 2017) "Following the sudden heart attack, Pope Pius XII lies in a coma; as the threat of terrorism and the potential risks of Pius' idolatry loom; Secretary of State Cardinal Voiello makes a hasty move that throws the church into even greater chaos" (Even Greater Chaos????)  John Malkovitch takes over as the titular pope so i guess we'll see how that plays out in weeks to come???) (Hey Being John Pope-ivitch!!!)

Gordon Ramsey-Uncharted (Nat Geo): Local Delicacies

Gomer Pyle (MeTV): Carter gets clipped by a card shark at a poker game and so tries to use Gomer to bait and expose them. (Well Gomer would make a pretty convincing patsy)


Green Acres (MeTV): Lisa believes that Drobny the duck is homesick and seeks a companion for him. (Awwww)


Bull (CBS): The network's quartet of reruns comes to a close tonight as this show reruns its season premiere which found Bull trying desperately to convince Benny (that's Freddy Rodriguez) to come back to work for him after Benny blew up at him at the end of last season (he punched Bull out! You can't punch your boss out!!! Only on tv can you punch your boss out and have him beg you to come back to work!) Meanwhile the team is trying to keep a young woman from being charged with involuntary manslaughter when in her job as a bartender she served a guy drink after drink after drink until he went home and killed his wife. (Is that a charge that can actually stick? I mean the bartendress isn't usually responsible for what people do after they leave the bar right, even if they're completely drunk.)

Manifest (NBC): Ben forms an alliance with a student from 838 whose callings are either connected to a violent attack or are possibly about the student committing the act (So its like Person of Interest then!); As Saanvi furthers her research into the death date, Grace makes a startling discovery about her pregnancy. (I'm gonna guess that the two are somehow interconnected since i mean why else would they be paired up together in the synopsis like that?)

The Good Doctor (ABC): Returning to the schedule tonight with new episodes (yay) "Following the death of his father, Dr. Shaun Murphy must deal with the affects his intimacy with Lea has on his relationship with Carly; The team operates on a patient who is refusing all anesthesia during surgery for fear of relapsing" (So because Lea is Shaun's best friend, and she was there with him when his dad died, Carly--the girlfriend and Astrid from Fringe least you forget, is upset by this??? The man's dad just died Astrid--I mean Carly) (Also The Good Doctor really probably shouldn't be doing a love triangle even if its not actually a love triangle--its not that kind of show)

Cops (Paramount): A family calls the police when they realize that an intrude is in their house (that's actually my nightmare); a mother asks her son to seek help after deputies find some unsavory items in their car; tensions reach a breaking point between a young man and his step-dad. ("Cops Is Filmed In A Live Studio Audience!")

Challenge (Food): Pokemon Cakes!!!!

Gordon Ramsey-Uncharted (Nat Geo): The Things I Do For Food.  (nods)


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