Thursday, January 9, 2020

Politics Corner, January 9th

Since I don't consider royals to be politics let's begin with the polis. The people have spoken and most of us like it when we kill bad people and even more of us thought we were really stupid this time. [CNN]

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The White House is having an even harder time explaining themselves than usual and even Republicans don't like it. Plain incompetence or is it really just a shell game in response to impeachment? Innocent people probably don't act like that. Guilty people do. [CNN]

The House passed a measure to reign in future White House actions with Iran but judging by the sputtering and sniffing coming from Trump and Co. they seem to finally smell their own shit. [NBC]

Some fallout from Trump's idiocy? An entire airplane full of innocent people was shot out of the sky, most likely by Iran attempting to do something else in response. There's no upside to this. [AP]

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Pelosi is holding off the Blue Dogs for now. [Politico]

Trump got his stolen border wall money back. [Politico]

Tired of trying to fuck up Obama's legacy, Trump is now focused on that godless liberal Richard Nixon. [NPR]

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The New York City Bar Association wants congress to investigate AG Barr for bias and like good lawyers they did their research and brought evidence (in friendly bullet point form here). [Business Insider]

Brother can you spare uh $46 billion? That's how much Trump's tariff's have cost US companies. [Reuters]

Don't worry, he'll make it worse. [Reuters]

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Political discussion welcome.

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