Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Politics Corner, January 8th

Bombs are falling but we are totally not at war okay? So this means we have time to look at things that have nothing to do with why we're trying to go to war with Iran or that Impeachment thing that's going to rush through before you notice it or not happen at all. Like one of the many, many (did I say many?) women who have accused Trump of sexual assault. One of them might actually get her day in court. [Reuters]

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Dems are starting to split - or should I say Dems in GOP friendly states are starting to waver on their oath to the Constitution. [NBC]

Trump will attempt to play with big boys from New York like "Mike" Bloomberg. He tried that before in New York. It didn't work and he wound up a bankrupt game show host. [Politico]

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Political discussion welcome.

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